Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Compulsive Gamblers recognition moment,
Click here just to click here.

I'm not even gonna talk here. Greg Cartwright makes me want to quit music because he's so rad.

Please enjoy "Crystal Gazing, Luck amazing"

And out of respect to Bob Barker...Please remember to spay and neuter your animals.


limburg said...

Hey, Great blog

I love the Compulsive Gamblers and I have everything from them except one.

The only one that I´m missing is Bluff City and even if it seems that you can have it in the SFTRI page, my local record shop has not een able to get it for more than a year.

Any chance of Posting it


limburg said...

Hey, Great blog

I love the Compulsive Gamblers and I have everything from them except one.

The only one that I´m missing is Bluff City and even if it seems that you can have it in the SFTRI page, my local record shop has not een able to get it for more than a year.

Any chance of Posting it


Oh, robot said...

I sure will post it...if you post "My Gambling days are over"
That one I can't seem to get from any stores anywhere. They're always on back order.

limburg said...

I hope you enjoy it, even if it is not as brilliant as Cristal...

Cheers Mate

Oh, robot said...

Merry Christmas Limburg!

Have fun in BLUFF CITY!!!!

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