Friday, July 9, 2010

Beef Bologna is serious business!

Here's the back story... I saw this whatever year it was released and must've instantly forgotten about it, but...

the song "beef bologna" somehow became embedded in my psyche im the absolute worst way. I could be at the dentist in 1989 and I was singing the tune... in line at the DMV and there I am... beef bologna. Until tonight, it never dawned on me that I live in a day and age where I could google shit up.

Since we're taking a trip down memory lane... Salvatore... I'm glad I launched you off of that porch and your face bled the whole way down you fuckin' bully piece of shit.

And since we're just sitting around talking... ladies of the world, please try to make your man feel loved and interesting. It really blows when everyone else can see it but you.

I'm always against the goddamned wall, but I'll make sure it never falls.


Indian Wars said...

thats a fear song... fear rules

liza jane said...

now i'm thinking about "pepperoni eyes" by personal and the pizzas. damn cured meat punk songs get all up your brain. i'm gonna write one about prosciutto and hit it fuckin bigtime.