Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lullaby Baxter Trio
Click here to dream a little dream...for me.

This is definitely in my top most beautiful albums of all time list. It's long out of print and as far as I know, mostly unknown. Earlier this year Lullaby Baxter released her second album "Garden Cities of Tomorrow" to acclaim and for a minute it was all over the blogosphere for download.
Hopefully most of you actually went out and purchased a copy of that, but if you weren't in the know then, you'll certainly track Ms. Baxter's movements after hearing "Capable Egg."
It's actually funny that she didn't set out to be a performer. The following text comes from

Montreal, 1997. Lullaby Baxter is waiting tables at Jello Bar. Coaxed on stage for an impromptu number, she sings Billie Holiday's signature song "Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be?)". This, her first public performance since grade school, brings down the house. She buys a green guitar and learns "Leaving On A Jet Plane". Someone at the laundromat says, "Anyway, try writing songs." So, she and friend Lutwidge Sedgwick write songs. For example, "The Anyway Song". Before long Lullaby Baxter is putting on shows around town. Bewitched studio owner Howard Bilerman runs backstage and offers to record a demo free of charge. Baxter's jazz-singer sister Anna-Lisa meets with Atlantic Records staff producer Yves Beauvais (Madeline Peyroux, Olu Dara) and hands over said demo. Beauvais flies to Montreal, catches Baxter's show, and offers her a recording contract on the spot. Baxter flies to San Francisco and records her debut with Tom Waits's session players Oranj Symphonette. Atlantic Records releases Baxter's debut album, Capable Egg, in 2000. Critics are effervescent. There is a far-flung tour, all manner of interviews, and money for plush new towels. When the clamour winds down, Baxter scratches her head and says, "J'ai vu tomber tant de choses que j'avais crues éternelles" (I have seen the fall of so many things that I had thought eternal). Time to disappear. Time to meet a painter (Jean-Pierre Morin) and bear a son (Lorenzo Wolfgang). Time to mother. Time to take the towels out of the dryer. Time to hum. Time to think about a new album. Time to write a 111-page manifesto entitled Sing Songs for People."

1 comment:

goinsidemyhead said...

...the matching sweaters are nice...