Saturday, August 7, 2010

Always the bridesmaid... a singles series.

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I've been a fan of this hyper-literate Portland based band for a long time and while I wasn't thrilled with their last full length "The Hazards of love" I absolutely adore this batch of tunes that was released in a set of three vinyl albums. Buy them all because the cover art is well done and you will always be okay if you pull one out of the sleeve and place it on your turn table right before making love to a sweet lass who smells of apricot and sadness. Her eyes will be wetter than the sea for you... and the happiness you shower down upon her will nudge her toward her blossom.

Some people will not like this band simply because they either don't enjoy the singers vocal delivery or because they just can't understand lyrics like:

You had a charming air
All cheap and debonair
My widowed mother found so sweet
And so she took you in
Her sheets still warm with him
Now filled with filth and foul disease
As time wore on you proved
A debt-ridden drunken mess
Leaving my mother
A poor consumptive wretch
(oh, oh)


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